Thursday, January 10, 2008


butch! knocked back again. I have no idea what I'm doing. Ahh! So, I thought there would be a few sleeps here and there and we could just tag on the word healthy.. but I'm realizing even more our lack of keywords. We don't even have anything close. I don't think we repeat a single word more than once. Yikes! I'm just a little setback and murky. I dunno what to do. I'm going to go over it a little more here and there and then concede to the fact that I'm gonna need some team effort help on this one, I have no idea how to savvy this up on my own.

Two things, with the keyword phrase Healthy Sleep, I thought of a title and H1, but I just realized that your title is how the link shows up in the google search, and rather than I Slept Great! it would say whatever we changed the title too... anyway

for the Title: - Healthy Sleep has Found a Home
for the Header: - Healthy Sleep Makes People Happy!

Just something to throw in the mix. My head feels less and less creative and frustrated. Like silly putty that's been mushed around too much and it's lost it's elasticity. Now it's just like a soggy goop of dark olive green

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

immediate problem

so, there was an immediate problem once I went to the home page...

sleep wellness isn't a very usable phrase. It's hard to slip in here and there. Immediately I want to jump back to the term healthy sleep, however, we may find ourselves doing a little more competing for a phrase like that... but anyway, I'm going to keep looking and eventually I may just pick one and fly with it, and perhaps all of the other thigns we're doing will build some credability and user interest, and with all that making the site more popular, the SEO will help other people find us once the credability is up... so.. yeah, I'm basically thinking out loud, so let me summarize.

We have a couple of options.
A.) Use SEO so that the web crawlers will notice us and put us at the top of the ranks...
PROBLEM:Other web sites have already gained credability so if we're going to practice this style, it is my belief that we need to compete with a less popular keyword phrase. The problem here is that the keywords are less popular because less people search for them because they're less usable phrases, such as sleep wellness. Which is a good phrase, I agree, but hard to mix in a number of times and in a subtle yet worthwhile way.


B.) Set up our site with SEO friendly concepts that make the website appear legit. We'll have on the right gear and be properly formatted... I think prepared is the word I was looking for. We can prepare the site and then use other means to increase website popularity. And then, as the site becomes mroe popular, other peopel will also begin to locate us because of our SEO efforts, considering the first boost of popularity increases our rankings enough so that the SEO begins to work and we can compete with the top dawgs.

So... that's it lined up. It all relies on the two things here, 1)Do we want a popular, useable Keyword Phrase, or a less popular yet easier to compete for Keyword Phrase that is somewhat difficult to include in the website in a subtle way. Because not once do we use the term sleep wellness, but it's easy enough to add in the adjective healthy here and there to the site and then we've got a keyword phrase popping up left and right.

And then a somewhat determining factor to this is do we think our other efforts will be enough to give us some weight in the search engines.

Closing in on a Keyword Phrase...

So, the consensus was that the keyword phrase should be, "Sleep Wellness." And in all honesty I was unsure of how this would do as far as picking up some potential searchers... however with the competition of sites out there, sleep wellness is starting to look mroe and more like a hit.

The thing about the phrase Sleep wellness is that it's not heavily searched, but! you'll be pleased to know that according to the google keyword locater tool, the phrase sleep wellness was most popularly searched just recently in december.
Also, there are not many other similar phrases as far as sleep wellness is concerned. I'm not sure if this is really a good thing or a bad thing, but basically we're dealing with a pretty specific keyword phrase that I think we can compete well with, especially considering my final tidbit of knowledge, and that is that... most of the websites, at least in like the top five either A.)Have a limited amount of relevance to the phrase sleep wellness, or B.) They have a page rank of ZERO, which gives us a healthy shot at possibly moving up in the ranks and maybe even seeing ourselves a little higher on the charts for searching for something besides the title of our website. Hurrah!

In the next couple of days I'll be looking for ways to modify a few simple titles here and there and see if we can't get the front page at least linked up with some sleep wellness words. then phase two will be to do the same to the rest of our pages, seeing what pages we want to SEO to themselves specifically, and at the same time finding ways to continue incorporating the phrase sleep wellness to other sites on the page as well.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

simple start

If you check out this website...

you'll notice that they have a very simple opening page with the keyword phrase Sleep Apnea appearing 15 times here and there. They're one of the top pages when you type in Sleep Apnea which is a fairly popular keyword phrase. Anyway... I don't necessarily want to be that simple, but it just emphasizes the point that we may have a little too much clutter at times, and in this case I'm thinking specifically on the conditions page, which as before mentioned I wonder if we should change that to sleep disorders to increase some SEO value.

Anywho, the site is and here are the keyword phrases they use...





pillar procedure

cpap masks

cpap machine

cpap machines

frequent urination

frequent urination at night

Monday, January 7, 2008

websites to check into...

On the Google toolbar there is a button you can push to find similar pages and so I did that in reference to isleptgreat and found these sites to blook more promising than the others. I think these are some good first steps in first time links.

Second, I may get into some blogs and find some more legit, and hip blogs, and less of the high tech boring heard it everyday blogs. If I can find some guys like that, I feel like I could even be friends with the cats and at least get some honest blog time out of it and even more important get some interesting blogtime out of it. and of course this is all optimism and I have little hopes or expectations for the blog part. but it would be nice and helpful to get some legit bloggers talking abotu us on their blogs, bam. -> apparently they link to over 200 sites... I'd say we're probably as good as at least some of those 200. No reason we shouldn't be allowed to join the dance party too.
-> I have written here... (see if sleepdisordersguide will blog about us or something we've already written about. it will get us involved with some linkage)
-> We can link to them... perhaps even find a link back.

Links and Structure.

I think we do a poor job of taking advantage of our links as far as keyword stuff is concerned. None of those links have anything to do with sleep and aren't doing much of anything as far as bringing more people to the site. I think we can get a little more creative and organized with the link tabs in order to
A.) Get some keywords in there
B.) Look Clever
C.) And make the site a little more organized. The fact that you have to search around for the articles is a little off.

Part 2: Is there any reason we're keeping ourselves from the term Sleep Disorders and going with the word Common Conditions?... Once again, this just goes along with the fact that people are more commonly searching for the word sleep disorders than they are searching for the phrase common conditions, also that phrase alone is is so vague that it would be hard for people to find us through that. Those could be common conditions associated with anything, so if we changed that, I think it would be helpful. Our condition database is quite lengthy but I doubt we have people stumbling onto it too often.

Part 3: We don't have any kind of clever title thing on It just "Sarah Plain and Tall" says I Slept Great!

From what I've been picking up off the streets is that the three best places to drop some keyword hustle is in the Title, then Header 1, and then in the closing. After that it's all a matter of density. but if we don't drop our keyword phrase in those first two crucial spots, then we're just going to get overlooked by the web crawlers.

Part 4: oh yeah, we need to get linked up to some other sites and we need to add some links of some other folks. That whole link swapping community thing, I think everybody benefits, oddly enough, and eventually we're all cruising the ladder to the top and it's just a matter of who does it best or what kind of information we're providing. So yeah. I'll be calculating some lists of people worth referencing and some potential websites that may link to us. If we can get some higher ranked websites to link us in that affects our rank as well. Currently we're a level 3. 5's and 6's are well respected and it would be nice to see us getting some links from those guys.

Hand in hand with all of this, apparently there are sites referred to as authority sites, and they're a big deal. They can be 5's and 6's as well, but it's more crucial if we're linked in by them. These sites probably include peeps like, National Sleep Foundation, Sleep, Talk About umm. Yeah, peeps like that.

meat scabbered.

Also, another mildly crucial detail, which I dont' understand completely is an Anchor Text thing. So... perhaps people do add us as a link on their site. They could merely put down, and link us in. But! If we ask them to use an anchor text and they typed in, check out some Healthy Sleep Then that affects the strength of our keywords somehow. So when people search for Healthy Sleep, is more crucial. Huzzah!

So we need to set up a healthy way to post links to other sites on our own and then start sending some e-mails to see if other people will add us as a link on their own site, given that we have added them. Optimistically maybe we can find some bloggers that will do this and we can get bounced around, whoop whoop!

little hints

some little things that I also noticed about is that they have, like i said, a decent keyword density considering the lack of text on their home page. Also, they include the convenient alt tags for the images and then they close the page with the keyword phrase as well which I hear is a good tool to use as well.

also, weirdly enough, their little logo is surprisingly similar to ours.

anyway, these are some things that are working for these guys and I would like to try and mimic a few of them, but as before mentioned the first step is to get a keyword phrase or two that we want to compete for, and then we can start doing some more SEO stuff. We need a foundation to build from and compete with, and then we'll be ready to go.